All HR Glossary articles

Explore our complete glossary of terms and definitions tailored for recruiters and HR managers. This comprehensive guide covers essential recruitment, HR, and talent acquisition terminology to help you stay informed, enhance your strategies, and streamline your hiring processes for success.

  • Resume Parsing is conversion of a free-form resume document into a structured set of information suitable for storage, reporting, and manipulation by software. Resume parsing helps...

  • Behavioral interview is an interviewing technique that employers use to evaluate candidate's past behavior in different situations in order to predict their future performance.Behavioral interview definitionBehavioral...

  • Micromanagement refers to a type of management style that utilizes operational methods such as extremely close supervision or control of the minor details of an employee’s...

  • Virtual mentoring refers to a process of mentoring where mentors and mentees communicate through means of Internet-based tools such as e-mails, chats and social media networks.Virtual...

  • A key worker, also known as an essential worker, is an individual who performs a crucial role in society, particularly during times of crisis or emergency....

  • An agile organization is a term applied to organizations which are quick in responding to changes in the marketplace or environment. Agile organization definitionAn agile organization is...

  • Even though there is no official definition for Candidate Experience this is the overall candidate's perception opinion about company's recruiting and hiring process. Candidate Experience DefinitionA job...

  • Executive compensation, also known as executive pay, refers to remuneration packages specifically designed for business leaders, senior management and executive-level employees of a companyExecutive compensation definitionExecutive...

  • Forced ranking, also known as a vitality curve, is a controversial management tool which measures, ranks and grades employees' work performance based on their comparison with...

  • Goal setting refers to the process of setting specific, attainable targets for individuals or groups.Goal setting definitionGoal setting refers to the process of setting specific, attainable...

  • Headhunter, also known as executive recruiter, refers to a company or an individual that provides services for tracking and recruiting qualified candidates for various positions.Headhunter definitionA...

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